Frugal Meals

Pinguem vitiis albumque neque ostrea nec scarus aut poterit peregrina iuvare lagois.
                         - Horace, Satires 2.2.21-22

"To one who is bloated and pale through intemperance neither oysters nor parrot-fish, nor even the far-fetched lagois, can give pleasure."

I first began eating frugal meals for health reasons. My blood pressure was raised, and my doctor had suggested that I should try to cut down on my intake of salt in order to lower it. Up to this point, I had usually either eaten out in a restaurant, or eaten a take-away meal. Although I did know how to cook, I had always foolishly subscribed to the idea that cooking for myself was a form of self-deprivation, and that I deserved to eat out.

However, as there was no way to reduce my salt intake if I continued to have the majority of my meals outside, I had to either begin cooking for myself more frequently, or consider the option of being started on an anti-hypertensive drug.

It was only after I had begun cooking at home on a regular basis that I realised that this was not a form of self-deprivation. The meals that I cooked for myself were nutritious and tasty. They were also far healthier, as I could control the amount of salt and fat that went into the pot.

Eating frugally is also beneficial for the environment, as it involves consuming less meat, and more vegetables and pulses.

Here are some recipes for frugal meals that you may want to try. All of the meals given here are very low in cost, while still being balanced and nutritious.

  1. Tomato, Lentil and Bacon Soup.
  2. Home-made Burger Patties.
  3. Provençal Chicken Stew. 

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